Was Abraham Reprehensible for Pretending that Sarah was His Sister?

Was Abraham Reprehensible for Pretending that Sarah was His Sister?

By Clement Harrold

St. Paul famously describes the Old Testament patriarch Abraham as our father in faith (see Rom 4:16; Gal 3:7), yet this doesn’t seem to square well with Abraham’s treatment of his wife Sarah on not one but two separate occasions.

On the first occasion, in Genesis 12, we’ve only just been introduced to the figure of Abram and his wife Sarai when the biblical narrator announces to us that due to a famine afflicting his native country, “Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land” (Gen 12:10). Upon his arrival, however, Abram is worried that the Egyptians will kill him in order to take custody of his beautiful wife Sarai.

To avoid this, Abram declares that Sarai is merely his sister, even though he knows this means Pharaoh will want to take her and sleep with her. Not unpleased with the arrangement, Pharoah begins to shower gifts upon Abram, until suddenly God intervenes by casting a plague on the royal household. Realizing he has been deceived, Pharaoh angrily summons and rebukes Abram, and instructs him and Sarai to go on their way.

So far so bad. But the plot thickens further when Abram tries the same trick again, though this time it’s in Genesis 20, and it’s after his and Sarai’s re-naming. On this second occasion, the motivation for Abraham and Sarah leaving their native land isn’t explained, but they end up in the territory of Gerar. Once again, Abraham resorts to manipulation, telling the men of that country that Sarah is his sister. When the local king, Abimelech, takes Sarah to be his concubine, God once more intervenes by appearing in a dream to rebuke the unwitting ruler.

The next morning Abimelech confronts Abraham for his deceit, and this time the dogged patriarch concocts the elaborate excuse that “I didn’t technically lie because Sarah is actually my half-sister, so you can’t really hold me responsible” (see Gen 20:12). Abimelech then sends Abraham on his merry way with some gifts and supplies, and in return Abraham prays to God to avert the disaster which He had threatened to send on Abimelech’s house.

What is the Christian reader of the Scriptures to make of these two bizarre and rather shameful episodes? And what was St. Paul thinking when he praised Abraham in such glowing terms?

The twofold answer to these questions lies in a proper reading of God’s Word and a proper reading of Abraham’s story arc. Beginning with how we approach the Scriptures generally, it is essential to understand that just because something is reported in the Bible, that doesn’t make it good.

Furthermore, just because something is never explicitly condemned by the narrator, that still doesn’t make it good. In fact, many books of the Bible contain stories that are clearly sordid and immoral in nature, and the narrator just assumes that we’ll pick up on the obvious fact that what’s going on is morally wrong.

Turning then to the specific case of Abraham, that is exactly what we see going on in these two perplexing passages from Genesis 12 and 20. What these two stories relate is a particular spiritual failing on the part of Abraham. We see this implicitly in the text just in the fact that Abraham is described as leaving his native land—the future promised land—to travel to a pagan nation.

Abraham’s spiritual failing is also highlighted by God’s response to the whole situation. What does God do following the patriarch’s trickery? On both occasions, he dramatically intervenes to protect Sarah’s dignity and put an end to the duplicity, thereby offering a not-so-subtle rebuke to Abraham’s misdeeds. Indeed, across the narratives God consistently reveals Himself to be a protective Father who doesn’t respond lightly when selfish men seek to exploit His beloved daughter.

More than any of these other elements, however, the aspect of the story which condemns Abraham more than any other is his evident lack of faith in God’s providential power. On both occasions, Abraham finds himself in a situation where he feels endangered and threatened. But what is his response? Instead of invoking divine aid, he turns to deception in a desperate attempt to save his own skin not by prayer but by trickery.

The first of the two episodes is especially damning in this respect. Right at the beginning of Genesis 12, God shows to Abraham the beautiful land which he and his descendents will inherit. And what’s the very next thing Abraham does? He leaves at the first sign of danger! The moment a famine comes along, Abraham abandons the land given to Him by God, not trusting that the Lord will take care of him and his family.

When we read these biblical stories correctly, therefore, we begin to realize the deep spiritual lessons that they contain. Abram starts out as a desperately flawed and human figure. This is the guy, we should remember, who tries sleeping with his concubine because he doesn’t believe that God is capable of providing him a son through his elderly wife. And what’s so striking is that Abram continues to mess up even after he’s formed a covenant with the Lord, and even after he’s renamed as Abraham.

So what changes? From a narrative perspective, it’s really Genesis 22—the binding of Isaac, the Akedah—which marks the decisive turning point in Abraham’s spiritual life. Up to now, he’s had his fair share of faults and failings. But it is in the Akedah that we meet the mature Abraham, the righteous Abraham, the childlike Abraham, who has finally learned to put his trust in God, and to lean entirely on Him, even to the point of trusting that the sacrifice of his only son will not end in death.

This is the patriarch who St. Paul called our father in faith. He’s the patriarch who didn’t start out with deep faith, but who in time found it by journeying with God. The first person in the Bible ever to be described as a prophet, Abraham is a reminder to us that God’s prophets and leaders are often far from perfect (see Gen 20:7).

While the Lord delights in using imperfect instruments like you and me, He’s never content to stop at our brokenness. He always has bigger plans for us than we have for ourselves; and He longs to bring us on a journey of ever-deepening trust, just as He did all those millenia ago with Abraham, our father in faith.

Clement Harrold is a graduate student in theology at the University of Notre Dame. His writings have appeared in First Things, Church Life Journal, Crisis Magazine, and the Washington Examiner. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2021.

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      • The Apologist of Apologetics
    • January
      • Catholic Ecology: Living According to One’s Dignity
      • What Is Social Justice without Personal Virtue?
      • What Replaces Christianity in a “Post-Christian World”?
      • The Art of Memory in Thomas Aquinas
      • Inaugural West Coast Priest Conference Exceeded All Hopes, Serves New Group of Priests
      • Everyday Holiness: The Wisdom of St. Francis de Sales
      • Drinking from the Font of Mercy
      • An Invitation to Life: the Heart of Humanae Vitae
      • Detachment: Growing in Freedom
      • The Pursuit of Happiness and the Ten Commandments
      • Understanding Vatican II and the One Church of Christ
      • Walking the Walk: A Guide for the Pilgrim Church on Earth
      • Facing Trials with Christ, Grace, and . . . The Lord of the Rings
      • The Return to Virtue
      • Reclaiming the Excellence of Virtue
      • The Adoration of the Magi
      • Come Again?: The Eucharist and the Fulfillment of the Kingdom
      • The Burning Bush: Theotókos in the Old Testament
  • 2018
    • December
      • New Year’s Blessings: Looking Back and Looking Forward
      • Five New Books to Read in the New Year
      • Find Hope in Christ
      • The History and Legend of the Church’s Villains
      • Religious, Not Spiritual: Why Christianity Requires Community
      • Do We Take the Bible Literally?
      • The Nativity: the Sanctuary of Our Souls
      • The Body and the Liturgy: How the Theology of the Body Connects to Prayer
      • Why Nero Goes Down as One of the Worst Villains in History
      • Birth Control and the Blessed Trinity
      • Was Jesus from Bethlehem?: A Biblical Look at Jesus’ Hometown
      • The Adoration of the Shepherds
      • Son of David: What the Genealogy of Jesus Tells Us
      • Why Is John the Baptist Important During Advent?
      • Giving Back to Our Priests
      • Three Things to Ask Ourselves As We Prepare for Christmas
      • The Coming of Advent
    • November
      • Recipe: Beer and Bourbon Shepherdess Pie
      • 5 Things to Do with Your Catholic Child(ren) Every Day
      • How to Feast and Fast with the Church
      • All Salvation Comes through Christ, but Does It Depend on Mary?
      • Learning to Listen: Advice for Spiritual Directors
      • Recipe: Simple Cauliflower and Gruyere Tart
      • Understanding Mary’s Perpetual Virginity
      • Why We Should Be Proud to Belong to the Universal Church
      • Called to Communion: Why We Celebrate Holy Days
      • Recipe: Bacon-Jalapeño Macaroni and Cheese
      • How to Be the Spiritual Head and Heart of Your Family
      • The Complimentarity of Husband and Wife
      • What Is ‘Feminine Authority’?
      • The History of Christian Feasting
      • Advice for Women Discerning Religious Life
      • What to Know About Marriage Vows
      • Encouragement in Our Vocation from Matthew, the Tax Collector
      • Unique and Unrepeatable: Finding Your Mission, Finding Your Vocation
      • The Burning Truth About Purgatory
      • Why Do We Save Saints’ Bones?
    • October
      • The Communion of Saints, Indulgences, and Luther: A Primer
      • Fifth Annual Gala (2018) Highlights
      • The Burning Coal: Eucharist in the Old Testament
      • Recovering Halloween
      • The Subtle Serpent: Lessons on Spiritual Warfare from the Bible
      • Do Catholics Believe in Ghosts?: Church Teaching on Purgatory
      • What to Know About Catholic Deliverance and Exorcism
      • The Devil Is Real: Combating Spiritualism
      • Keeping the First Commandment: How to Avoid Misguided Spirituality in a Culture Hooked on Halloween
      • Book Review: The Eucharist
      • History and Theology Lead Us to the Church
      • The Eucharist: A Model of Perfect Virtue
      • Learning Sacrificial Love in the Blessed Sacrament
      • Unmasking Popular Spiritualities: What Teresa of Avila Can Teach Us Today
      • Praying for Our Leaders: Thoughts from St. Teresa of Avila
      • St. Teresa on Sharing Our Weaknesses
      • Facing Trials with St. Teresa
      • St. Teresa on Spiritual Warfare
      • St. Teresa on Detachment
      • St. Thérèse’s Antidote to Scrupulosity
      • St. Thérèse: Peace Is Not the Same as Joy
      • Suffering as an Expression of Common Love
      • St. Thérèse on Long-Suffering and Prayer
      • St. Thérèse’s Act of Oblation to Merciful Love
    • September
      • Stewards in the Temple of Creation
      • What the Movies Get Wrong About Exorcism
      • Going Deeper with Spiritual Direction
      • The Journey to God, Explained by the Saints
      • Guidance in Prayer from a Spiritual Director
      • Freedom for God: Letting Go of Disordered Desires
      • Why We Need a Green Revolution, Catholic Style
      • What Is Spiritual Direction?: A Spiritual Director Explains
      • The Problem of Evil
      • How We Got So Confused: Modernism and the Theology of the Body
      • Why We Can’t Decide: Understanding the Vocations Crisis
      • Cardinal Newman Award Dinner Honoring the Rev. George W. Rutler
      • It’s Time to Save the World Again
      • What Would Jesus Say About Modern Medicine?
      • Why We Have a Creed
      • No Bake Cashew and Salted Caramel Ice Cream Cake
      • Jesus Wants Us to Have It All: Reading the Bible in Its Fullest Sense
      • The Body of Christ is a Literal Reality in the Church
      • Christ Is Still Present in the Church
    • August
      • The Authority of Women in the Catholic Church
      • The Catholic Liturgy: Communion with the Sublime
      • When Augustine Found God
      • St. Augustine’s Theology of the Eucharist
      • A Recipe for Hospitality: Simple Blackberry Cobbler
      • The Queenship of Mary
      • St. Louis and a Most Christian Kingdom
      • How the Philosophy of History Points to the Lord of History
      • Who Is the Woman of Revelation?
      • Seek That Which Is Above
      • The Assumption of Mary
      • A Mid-August Feast: Celebrating the Assumption with Generosity, Patience, and Love
      • Unlocking the Stories of Scripture for Children
      • Photographer to the Saints
      • Rethinking the Joyful Mysteries
      • Dog of the Lord
      • How One of the Most Devout Students of Scripture Became One of Its Greatest Teachers
      • Rediscovering The Sense of Mystery
      • Holding Firm to Tradition
      • Is the Church in the Bible?
      • Food and Good Friends
    • July
      • Signed, Sealed, and Delivered: The Sign of the Cross
      • Mary, Our Mother
      • Defending Humanae Vitae 50 Years Later
      • Marriage and the Common Good
      • The Gospel of Sonship: What It Means to Be Part of the Family of God
      • The Prophetic Witness of Humanae Vitae
      • Applying Natural Law to Contraception
      • Genesis on Gender and the Covenant of Marriage
      • Theology of the Body Beyond the Bedroom
      • The First Society
      • A Model of Devotion, a Model for the Priesthood
      • John’s Revelation: Toward the Everlasting City
      • A Priest’s Reflection on Sacred Architecture
      • What Makes a Great Theologian?
      • Why Jesus Wants You to Hug Trees
      • The Difference Between Prayer and the Spiritual Life
    • June
      • The Relationship Between Grace, the Intellect, and the Will
      • A Ph.D. in Record Time
      • Apologetics: What It Is and Isn’t and Why It Matters
      • Why Leisure Suits You: Your Summer Guide to Becoming Happier, Healthier, and Holier
      • Why Faith Is Reasonable
      • Aquinas: The Universal Doctor
  • 2017
    • January
      • Novena to St. Paul
  • 2016
    • November
      • 15th Anniversary Gala (2016) Highlights
    • October
      • St. Teresa of Avila on False Humility
      • An Introduction: Living the Mystery of Merciful Love
    • September
      • The Love of St.Thérèse of Lisieux
      • Follow the Path of the Saints
    • July
      • Scott Hahn Unleashes the Creed
    • June
      • The Greatest Sacrament: An Excerpt From Speaking the Love of God by Jacob Wood
      • The Creed: Yesterday and Today
    • April
      • Right & Just
      • Come to the Feast: Study and Dialogue
  • 2015
    • December
      • New Song by Scott Hahn
      • The New ‘Ark’
    • November
      • Bible and the Virgin Mary is Now Available on DVD
    • October
      • Celebrating Ten Years of Journey Through Scripture
    • September
      • Mom by Scott Hahn
      • Defenders of the Family: JPII & Gianna
      • 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Family Today
      • Pray for us!
      • Typing Tutor by Scott Hahn
    • August
      • Molly Lou Hahn (1928-2015) Rest in Peace
      • Summer Vocation by Scott Hahn
      • A Novena Celebrating Our Mother
      • The Beggar’s Banquet Takes the Prize
    • July
      • Why Shepherds?
      • On the Road by Scott Hahn
    • June
      • Emmaus Road Joins the St. Paul Center
      • John the Baptist: In the Spirit and Power of Elijah
      • Into the Deep! by Scott Hahn
      • O Sacrum Convivium by Fr. Brian Mullady O.P.
    • May
      • Scott Hahn – The Ascension: The Underrated Mystery
      • The Mysteries of May
    • April
      • The Spread of the Kingdom in Acts
      • The Love that Covers a Multitude of Sins: A Reflection on Divine Mercy
      • Explore the Many Riches of the Catholic Faith
      • The Springtime of Evangelization
      • Saint John Paul II, Pray for us!
    • March
      • Christmas Comes Early!
    • February
      • Scott Hahn – Saint Paul: Persecutor to Apostle
      • St. Justin Martyr – Father and Apologist
      • Our Lenten Reading List
      • St. Ambrose: A Giant of the Faith
      • Fasting on Fridays and the Passion of Jesus the Bridegroom
      • Booknotes – Truth be Told: Basics in Catholic Apologetics
      • Lenten Back to Basics
      • Saint Agatha, Virgin, Martyr
      • Scott Hahn – Rich in Mercy
      • “The Theologian”: Mike Aquilina & Matthew Leonard discuss Gregory of Nazianzus
      • BookNotes – Louder Than Words: The Art of Living as a Catholic
      • Matthew Leonard – Beer, Chocolate and Embracing Lent
    • January
      • Aquinas: The Biblical Approach of the Model Catholic Theologian
      • New Evangelization: The Courtship of Love
      • The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
      • Where is the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Bible?
      • Scott Hahn Explains Papal Infallibility
      • “What’s So ‘Great’ about St. Basil?” with Matthew Leonard and Mike Aquilina.
      • St. Agnes, a lamb for Christ
      • Get the Newest Letter and Spirit
      • Joy without Borders
      • Scott Hahn – Forty Days
      • Matthew Leonard – St. Polycarp’s Most Holy Death
      • The Great Witness of St. Perpetua with Mike Aquilina & Matthew Leonard
      • Booknotes – St. Monica and the Power of Persistent Prayer
  • 2014
    • December
      • There’s an App for That
      • God in the Details
      • Christmas Comes Early!
    • November
      • No Problem, Houston!
      • writer. fighter. mitre – St. Leo the Great
      • The King, the Drama, and the Joy
    • September
      • Feast Forward by Scott Hahn
      • To Stir with Love by Scott Hahn
    • August
      • BookNotes – St. Monica and the Power of Persistent Prayer
      • Pray Thee Well!
      • Introducing our Latest Scripture Study! “The Bible and Prayer”
      • Angels and Saints
    • July
      • “Come, Receive Grain and Eat”
      • The Seventh Summer by Scott Hahn
      • The Bible and the Fathers
      • Blessed Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, the Apostle of India.
    • May
      • The Ascension: The Underrated Mystery
      • Exodus and Easter
      • An Invitation to Evangelization
      • Building the Temple of God: Fifth Sunday of Easter
      • “The Good Shepherd”: The Readings for the Fourth Sunday after Easter
      • Feast of St. Athanasius
      • Star Light, Star Bright by Scott Hahn
    • April
      • A Throne Established Forever
      • Rich in Mercy by Scott Hahn
      • More Than A Feeling: The Aura of St. John Paul II
      • The “Billy Graham of Scandinavia” Announces His Conversion to Catholicism
      • Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper
      • Jesus’ Triumphal Entry, the Descent into Hell, and the Coming of the Messiah (Palm Sunday, Yea
      • Mercy’s Month by Scott Hahn
      • “I’m Back!”: The Raising of Lazarus, 5th Sunday of Lent
      • Beer, Chocolate and Embracing Lent
    • March
      • Truth Be Told
      • Give me a Drink! The Third Sunday of Lent
      • Feast of St. Cyril of Jerusalem
      • Fasting on Fridays and the Passion of Jesus the Bridegroom
      • The Great Witness of St. Perpetua
      • Forty Days
      • Overcoming Temptation: 1st Sunday of Lent
      • The Greatness of Lent by Scott Hahn
    • February
      • Franciscan University Presents: “Consuming the Word” on EWTN
      • Thomas Aquinas on John 6:53 (“the flesh is of no avail”)
      • The Tolerance of Paganism
      • Loving Your Enemies: John Bergsma Examines the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
    • January
      • All the Right Moves
      • Converted and Converting
      • AGNES DAY!
      • Feast of St. Anthony of the Desert
  • 2013
    • December
      • Pope Francis and Biblical Interpretation
      • “A Virgin Shall Conceive”: The Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
    • October
      • St. Ignatius, “God-Carrier”
      • The Bible and the Rosary: How to Hear the Word of God in Prayer
      • Record High in Florida!
      • A Radical Sabbatical
    • September
      • St. Jerome – Changing the World from a Cave
      • Chrysostom and the Mysteries of Marriage
    • August
      • My Summer Vocation
    • June
      • Introducing a New Video Series: BookNotes
      • LIVE online video chat with Scott Hahn!
    • May
      • Demanding an Apology
      • Most Rev. José Gomez: 2013 Baccalaureate Mass Homily
      • Pope Benedict’s Wednesday Audience on Philip the Apostle
      • St. Athanasius: Mike Aquilina Reflects on this great Church Father
      • May Memories
    • April
      • Grow in your Knowledge of Scripture!
      • All Things New
    • March
      • Prepare for The Hour
      • The Jewish Roots of Palm Sunday and the Passion
      • “Louder Than Words: The Art of Living As a Catholic”
      • Ratzinger on Scripture and Revelation:
      • Forward March! by Scott Hahn
    • February
      • Grande Munus – An Encyclical on Sts. Cyril and Methodius
      • Saint Agatha, Virgin, Martyr
    • January
      • Scott Hahn – Saint Paul: Persecutor to Apostle
      • Romans: The Gospel According to St. Paul
      • St. Agnes, a lamb for Christ
      • Leroy Huizenga on Hildegard of Bingen, a New Doctor of the Church
      • Pope Benedict speaks on the “depth of God’s love for us”
      • New Year, New Book!
      • The Theologian
      • “What’s So ‘Great’ about St. Basil?” with Matthew Leonard and Mike Aquilina.
  • 2012
    • December
      • Spirit of Advent
      • The Dark Night Rises
      • A Season of Mary
      • Do You Believe in Magi?
    • November
      • Christmas Comes Early!
      • A True Thanksgiving
      • An Act of Love by God!
      • writer. fighter. mitre – St Leo the Great:
      • Matthew Leonard – What Do We Do Now?
      • Matthew Leonard – What Do We Do Now?
    • October
      • Unveiling the Writings of St. Luke!
      • Matthew Leonard & Dr. John Bergsma: Unveiling the Writings of St. Luke
      • Ignatius made me do it!
      • Matthew Leonard On St. Ignatius of Antioch
      • Scott Hahn: Catechism and the Year of Faith
      • Scott Hahn: Catechism and the Year of Faith
      • O Give Thanks to the LORD!
    • September
      • Changing the World from a Cave
      • Changing the World from a Cave
      • New Testament: Sacrifice or Execution
      • New Testament: Sacrifice or Execution
      • Mystagogy of Marriage?
      • Matthew Leonard Explains the Mystagogy of Marriage According to St. John Chrysostom
      • What is the New Evangelization?
      • What is the New Evangelization?
      • Matthew Leonard On St. Gregory the Great
    • August
      • Celebrate the Feast of St. Augustine
      • Scott Hahn on the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
      • Scott Hahn on the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
      • per Mariam ad Iesum (through Mary we are led to Jesus)
      • Sitting at the Feet of this Cranky Master – St. Hippolytus
      • On Friar for God
      • Summer Heat Wave
    • July
      • Fury of the Idolaters, Beauty of the Faith
      • The Heavenly Liturgy in Judaism, the New Testament and the Eucharistic Celebration
      • What We’re Reading Now: St. Bernard on Song of Songs
      • Feast of St. Benedict
      • Catholic Church Architecture Part 1 of 10: Architectural Theology
      • Jesus as Prophet, His Prophetic Signs and the Last Supper (Podcast and Outline)
      • Thomas the Twin
      • Seven Upward
      • The Early Church. . . Mothers? Mike Aquilina’s Fascinating New Book (w/ Podcast!)
    • June
      • The Church’s First Theologian
      • Cyril the Virile
      • Bishops Announce New Translation of the New Testament
      • Origen and His Influence on Christian Theology
      • Feast of Faith
      • Lost Homilies of Origen Found!
    • May
      • First copy of Nehemiah found in unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls!
      • Fr. Michael Scanlan Chair of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization
      • The Dead Sea Scrolls
      • “To the Ends of the Earth”
      • Bride and Joy
      • Father of Orthodoxy, St. Athanasius
      • Old Testament Manuscripts
    • April
      • The Text of the Old Testament
      • Perspectives Principles And Criteria: John Bergsma on the Bible in Catholic Theology
      • Paul’s Strange Mention of Co-Senders: What It Might Mean
      • EWTN Live – Benedict XVI and Verbum Domini – Fr Mitch Pacwa, SJ with Dr. Scott Hahn – 03-02-2011
      • The Splendor of Eschatology: Highlights from Matthew Levering’s Jesus and the Demise of Death
      • Catholic Exegesis: A Streamlined Overview
      • Aquinas’ Five Reasons Christ Rose from the Dead
      • Eighth Day Dawning
      • Catholic Interpretation of Scripture
      • No Place Like Rome
    • March
      • Inspiration and the Relationship of Divine and Human Authorship
      • BREAKING!: New Document Promotes Priority of Scripture in Theology
      • Inspiration of Scripture in the Catholic Tradition
      • Intro to Lent III: Almsgiving
      • Supernatural Revelation
    • February
      • My Ordeal
      • Intro to Lent II: Fasting
      • Natural Revelation in the Catholic Tradition
      • Intro to Lent 1: Prayer
      • Thoughts on the Church’s Old Testament Canon
      • “Paschal Sacrifice: A Heavenly Banquet for Earthly Beggars”
    • January
      • The Real Campaign
      • RERUM OMNIUM PERTURBATIONEM: Encyclical of Pope Pius XI on St. Francis de Sales
      • Agnes Day
      • The Man in the Desert!
      • Why Jesus was Baptized and Tempted?; with John Bergsma
      • Saint Gregory of Nyssa
      • Ushering in the New Year of Faith!
      • The Feast of St. Basil
  • 2011
    • December
      • The Real Meaning of Christmas
      • “To us, Christ is all!”
      • The Big Difference a little change makes
    • November
      • ‘And with Your Spirit’
      • Advent 2011: Extraordinary Time
      • Kinship by Covenant: Reviewed by Pablo Gadenz
      • Dr. Scott Hahn – Paschal Sacrifice: A Heavenly Banquet for Earthly Beggars
      • John Bergsma on the Dead Sea Scrolls
      • The Successor of Peter and Biblical Interpretation
      • Great Time at the Shrine
    • October
      • The Supper of the Lamb
      • Pope Benedict Calls for a Year of Faith
      • Scott Hahn Addresses the New Evangelization
    • September
      • St. Paul Center to Government Regulators:
      • Why the Pope Has to Be Infallible, Part 3
      • Exegesis as Theology, Theology as Exegesis
    • August
      • Why the Pope has to be Infallible, Part 2a
      • In the School of Pope Benedict
      • Why the Pope has to be Infallible, Part 2
      • Blessed the Barron
      • Why the Pope has to be Infallible, Part 1
      • Journey Through Scripture Success
      • Are War and Schism always Sins Against Charity?
      • Pope recommends Bible for vacation reading
    • July
      • St. Lawrence of Brindisi: A Life Inspired by Love of Sacred Scripture
      • 1,400-year-old St Paul fresco discovered in ancient Roman catacomb
    • June
      • Reflection by Benedict XVI on Sts. Peter and Paul
      • The Catholic Understanding of the Saints: Isn’t Christ the ‘One Mediator’?
    • May
      • Holy Land Pilgrimage Day 4
      • Summer Vocation
    • April
      • Understanding the Book of Acts—Part 3: More Similarities Between Luke and Acts
      • The Eucharistic Theology of Early Church Fathers
      • Understanding the Book of Acts: Part 2—Acts of Jesus & Acts of the Apostles
      • Understanding the Book of Acts: Part 1—“Why Do You Persecute Me?”
      • Jesus Didn’t Just “Die for Our Salvation”: Why He Rose from the Dead
      • The Whole Earth Keeps Silence
      • Was There a Passover Lamb at the Last Supper?
      • Holy Thursday
      • Our Big Day
      • Presenting a Paper for the Matthew Section at SBL
    • March
      • Archbishop Gomez on the Pope’s Book as the Model for Scripture Study
      • Out of Africa
      • Archbishop Gomez’s Inspiring Inaugural Homily
      • Sirach as Scripture in Judaism?
      • Jesus as the Davidic Messiah in Matthew (Part 2 of 2)
    • February
      • What is the Biblical Form of Church Government?
      • St. Polycarp, bishop and martyr (c. 155)
      • The Petrine Principal
      • Jesus as the Davidic Messiah in Matthew (Part 1 of 2)
      • Newman at First Things’
      • Reasons to Rock
      • New USCCB Document Highlights Biblical Quotations in the Mass
    • January
      • Kingdom of the Poor
      • Aquinas: The Biblical Approach of the Model Catholic Theologian
      • Agnes Day
      • Fantastic New Commentary on Matthew’s Gospel!
      • Word Association
  • 2010
    • December
      • Catholic Saint on the Importance of Scripture
      • Ruth and Advent
      • A Christmas Invitation
      • The Great St. Ambrose
      • Was Joseph Really Suspicious of Mary’s Pregnancy?
      • St. Nicholas Day
      • Ignatius of Antioch on the Eucharist
    • November
      • Pope Benedict XVI’s New Apostolic Exhortation on the Bible is Here!
    • October
      • The World Series of Bible Study
      • Not Your Average Reading Group
      • Emery on the Biblical Methodology of Aquinas
      • Dead Sea Scrolls On-Line
      • Like the Early Christians, We Should Learn to See Again the Gospel as… Fresh, Attractive.
      • Holy Land, Happy Landings
    • September
      • Becoming little in order to be truly wise
      • Behold, I make all things Newman!
      • Who is the Rich Man of Luke 16?
      • For Future Reference
      • Is Peter the Rock? (Part 3: Some Reasons I Think He Is)
      • Matthias Scheeben on the Mysteries of Christianity (Part 3)
    • August
      • Is Peter the Rock? (Part 2: Gundry’s Take)
      • Is Peter the Rock? (Part 1)
      • Matthias Scheeben on the Mysteries of Christianity (Part 2)
      • Matthias Scheeben on the Mysteries of Christianity (Part 1)
      • A Pilgrimage to Our Lady
    • July
      • Holy Father
    • June
      • Fathers Forever
      • St. Paul Center Pilgrimage and Dr. Hahn’s Talk
    • May
      • Dr. Hahn Meets Pope On Rome Pilgrimage!
      • Dr. David Warner, 1955-2010
      • Dr. Scott Hahn and Fr. Barron discuss Modernity, the Bible and Theology
      • Top Vatican Official Praises Scott Hahn
      • Break Dancing
    • April
      • Turn, Turn, Turn
    • March
      • Rome & Assisi Pilgrimage!
      • The Paschal Mystery
    • February
      • Rome Sweet Home
    • January
      • Hope Springs Eternal
      • You Say You Want a Resolution?
  • 2009
    • December
      • A True Blessing
      • Signs of Life
    • November
      • A Lamp Unto My Feet
    • October
      • Journey Through Scripture in Green Bay
      • The Creed: Gateway to Grace
    • September
      • Covenant and Communion
      • Bible and the Sacraments in Toledo
    • August
      • Facing the Future
      • The Lawler Treasury
    • July
      • Bible and the Mass in Toledo
      • Scripture Conference at St. Vincent Seminary
      • A Defining Moment
    • June
      • 2009 Letter & Spirit Summer Institute
      • Endings and Beginnings
    • May
      • Inspiration and Interpretation
    • April
      • Paul the Priest
    • March
      • Palms and Circumstance
      • Journey Through Scripture in Toledo
      • First Bible Study of 2009
      • Reno on Recovering the Bible
    • February
      • The Acceptable Time
    • January
      • Love: A Many-Splendored Mystery
  • 2008
    • December
      • Apostle of Hope
      • Synod Wrap Up
    • November
      • Drinking Deeply Made Easy
      • Scripture and Liturgy in Heaven…and England
      • A Day Late and a Decade Short
    • October
      • I Hear a Symphony: The Many Meanings of “the Word of God”
      • Pope: Synods Fundamental to Church
      • What Is Needed for a Bible Comeback (Part 2)
      • What Is Needed for a Bible Comeback (Part 1)
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