CRS Rice Bowl – A Lenten Journey Coming to An End (Updated March 20) – St. Elizabeth of The Trinity


Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week.

As we walk with Jesus this week, we remember the countless women, children, and men who carry heavy crosses even today: crosses of hunger, of vulnerability to climate change, or of a lack of resources.

How – like Simon of Cyrene – can you help to carry the crosses of our sisters and brothers in your local community and around the world?

Visit to learn more.

You can return your Lenten Rice Bowl almsgiving beginning next weekend.

We kindly ask that you convert any coins into currency or a check. If you are writing a check make it
payable to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity with Rice Bowl written on the memo line.

You can put your donation in any envelope and leave in the special basket near the baptismal pool.

MARCH 6 Update


Located in Southeast Asia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Indonesia has beautiful beaches, diverse cultures, and the worlds fourth largest population.

Many of the countrys more than 17,000 islands are in the Ring of Fire, where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are common. Climaterelated
disasters such as cyclones are also becoming more frequent and destructive.

Find out howwith the support of Catholic Relief Services and generous communities like yours – Evita and her disaster preparedness group are working to keep their community safe.

Visit to read this weeks Story of Hope.

February 28 Update


Nowadays, in Morazn, El Salvador, it is very difficult to know when the rainy or dry seasons will be. The unpredictable weather puts the livelihood of Sandra’s family in jeopardy.

Despite the challenges, Sandra and her husband, Santos, remain dedicated to ensuring their children grow healthy and succeed in school.

Learn how their strong family dynamic enabled Sandra to participate in a Catholic Relief Services project on raising chickens and how her determination has helped her family and community.

Visit to read this weeks Story of Hope.

February 19 Update

In Akwangagwel, Uganda, the climate is very hot and dry. Farmers in this region depend heavily on the rainy season for a successful harvest. But
latelydue to the changing climatethe rain has been coming later than it used to and is more inconsistent. Sometimes, when it does rain, it causes flooding and ruins the crops.

Learn how Adolf and Florence have taken the matter into their own hands, implementing new farming techniques they learned from a Catholic Relief Services program to improve their farm and fight against hunger in their community.

Visit to read this weeks Story of Hope

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